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Campus and Community Resources

UIC has a number of offices that provide information and services, options for reporting, advocacy, and support.

There are several confidential and private/ non-confidential campus and community resources to assist you and provide support. Refer to About Confidentiality for more information.

  • UIC Police

    943 W. Maxwell Street
    (312) 355-5555/ Emergency
    (312) 996-2830 / Non-Emergency

    The UIC Police are fully-sworn officers who serve the University, UIC Medical Center and surrounding community. UIC Police investigate, arrest, and assist in the prosecution of offenders. UIC Police will provide testimony for proceedings in criminal and student conduct hearings. UIC Police will transport individuals to the emergency room and court appearances. The UIC Police cooperate with investigations conducted by the Chicago Police Department.

    When an individual files a complaint with the UIC Police, the police document the information in a report and discuss various options with the victim for further action. If the victim wants to press charges, a police report is created, the individual is informed about the criminal process and the police conduct a criminal investigation. If the police determine that the elements of a crime have been met, they forward the police report to the State’s Attorney’s office who determines if offenses will be prosecuted. A copy of the police report may also be submitted to the Title IX Coordinator.

    The UIC Police inform victims about available victim assistance and advocacy resources at the Campus Advocacy Network (CAN) and counseling support available at the Counseling Center.

  • Office of the Dean of Students

    Student Services Building, Room 3030 – 1200 W. Harrison
    (312) 996-4857

    The Office of the Dean of Students offers several services to students. In addition to serving as the place to report student conduct complaints, the staff can provide information about campus support services. Various options include referrals to the Title IX Coordinator, Campus Advocacy Network, and the Counseling Center. Assistance is provided with supportive measures, including academic accommodations, campus/off campus living arrangements, parking assignments, health, and other safety concerns.

  • Student Legal Services

    Student Services Building, Room 3030, 1200 W. Harrison
    (312) 996- 9214

    The Student Legal Service provides confidential legal assistance to students. The attorney can answer questions related to legal matters, provide information about legal proceedings, and assist students with appropriate referrals. The UIC Student Legal Service cannot represent students accused of violations of the Student Disciplinary Policy.

  • Campus Advocacy Network (CAN)

    101 W. Taylor Street, Suite 310 (above Chicago Public Library)
    (312) 413-8206

    The advocates at the Campus Advocacy Network (confidential resource) are experts in understanding the dynamics of sexual assault, dating/domestic violence and stalking and providing technical assistance for survivors. Advocates have extensive knowledge of on and off campus systems and agencies in which you can access resources. Services include crisis intervention and safety planning; assistance with obtaining civil orders of protection, making police reports; accommodations for victims; accompaniment to court, police station, and conduct and investigation meetings, etc. CAN is welcoming of all gender identities and is sensitive to how culture and social identities can shape the experience of violence.

    Advocates will identify options available based on the specifics of your situation, explain the benefits and drawbacks of each option, and help you navigate the options that you choose. Support is provided for survivors even when no legal, civil or administrative action is taken. CAN is a place where individuals can make anonymous and confidential campus crime reports.

  • Counseling Center

    Student Services Building, Room 2010 – 1200 W. Harrison
    (312) 996-3490

    The Counseling Center offers confidential counseling services and crisis intervention for students. The staff has expertise in working with survivors of trauma including sexual assault and other types of interpersonal violence. In addition, the Counseling Center provides support and guidance to help manage immediate emotional trauma and strengthen resilience in the advocacy process.

    Counseling and crisis intervention can be arranged by calling or coming to the Counseling Center. Counselors will arrange to meet with students who have urgent needs within the same day or the next day. Crisis intervention or personal counseling can help students identify and consider options to notify appropriate law enforcement and campus authorities, pursue student conduct processes, and meet with an advocate.

  • Campus Housing

    Student Residence Hall (SRH) – Room 220, 818 Wolcott
    (312) 355-6300

    Campus Housing staff (e.g. resident assistants, peer mentors, resident directors) can assist students with the reporting of sexual misconduct including making appropriate referrals to university offices, providing information regarding investigations and offering assistance with legal/campus proceedings. The staff will develop a support plan with the residents involved and communicate the plan to the appropriate campus departments. The staff can assist with arranging medical attention for the resident, provide temporary or permanent room reassignment, and inform the resident about campus services provided by the Campus Advocacy Network, Counseling Center, and the Office of the Dean of Students.

InTouch Support & Crisis Hotline Heading link

(312) 996-5535

Sunday thru Fridays, 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

The InTouch Hotline is a free crisis intervention, counseling, and referral service offered to UIC students and members of the greater Chicagoland area. The InTouch Hotline is staffed by student volunteers trained through the UIC Counseling Center Paraprofessional Program. Calls placed to the InTouch Hotline remain confidential and are treated in an objective, non-judgmental fashion.

Gender & Sexuality Center Heading link

Behavioral Sciences Building, Rooms 181 & 183, 1007 W. Harrison
(312) 413-8619

The Gender and Sexuality Center at UIC creates programs and provides resources that promote the full inclusion and cultural vitality of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people and their allies. The GSC staff is available to consult with individuals on any aspect of their experience at UIC and can help make referrals to the appropriate offices. The GSC is one of the Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change in the Office of Diversity.

Wellness Center Heading link

Student Center East – Room 238, 750 S. Halsted Street
(312) 413-2120

The Wellness Center provides students with health and wellness information. The Center offers students individual consultations with a health educator. These informal discussions typically require no appointment and the goal of these consultations is to identify simple and effective self-care and life strategies covering everything from stress management and nutrition to relationships and sexual health.

Family Medicine Clinic (East Side) Heading link

722 W. Maxwell Street, 2nd Floor
(312) 996-2901

Family Medicine Clinic (West Side) Heading link

1801 W. Taylor Street, Suite 4E
(312) 996-2901

UIC Hospital Emergency Room Heading link

1740 W. Taylor Street
(312) 996-7298


Survivors have the option of seeking support and assistance through community organizations. Outside agencies do not have the same obligations as the university to report or investigate incidents of sexual misconduct. These agencies also do not have authority to independently work with university departments to arrange academic accommodations, on-campus housing changes, access to university facilities, programs, or services and other on-campus interventions.

Resilience Heading link

180 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 443-9603

Services include medical and legal advocacy as well as free counseling services. Provides medical advocacy to the UIC Emergency Room and surrounding area hospitals.

Mujeres Latinas en Acción Heading link

2124 West 21st Place, Chicago, IL 60608
(773) 890-7676

Serving Latina survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault and their families; offers advocacy and counseling. Spanish speaking services available.

Healthcare Alternative Systems Inc. - BASTA Domestic Violence Program Heading link

5005 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60639
(773) 745-7107

Serving survivors of domestic violence; offers advocacy and counseling. Spanish speaking services available.

The Center on Halsted Heading link

3656 N. Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60613
(773) 472-6469
LGBTQ Violence Resource Line:
(773) 871-CARE (2273)

Serving Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. Offers advocacy and counseling.

Apna Ghar Heading link

4350 N Broadway, 2nd Floor, Chicago, IL 60613
(773) 883-4663
24 Hour Crisis Lines:
(773) 334-4663
​(800) 717-0757 for out of state calls

Multilingual domestic violence shelter, counseling, and advocacy for Asian women and children.

70 E. Lake Street, Suite 600, Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 408-1210
24-Crisis Hotlines:
(847) 824-4454 (English & Spanish)
(847) 824-1158 (Polish)

Provides representation in civil court and advocacy in criminal court for domestic violence, stalking and sexual assault survivors. Fees are sliding scale to free.

(773) 731 1762

Through their Domestic Violence Program, this not-for-profit clinic offers a full range of free legal services to victims of domestic violence. Additional low cost services include, divorce, child custody, immigration, employment, etc. They provide sliding-scale services in English and Spanish based on your ability to pay.

Porchlight Counseling Services Heading link

(773) 750-7077
3636 S. Iron St., Suite 240
Chicago, IL 60609

Provides free counseling services to survivors who have experienced sexual assault while in college or graduate school.