Introduction Heading link

UIC is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning, living and working environment for its students, faculty, and staff members. When individuals experience sexual harassment and sexual misconduct (i.e. sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence), their sense of safety and trust is violated and this can significantly interfere with their success at the university. Our community expects that all interpersonal relationships and interactions – especially those of an intimate nature – are based upon values of mutual respect, dignity, responsibility, open communication, and clear consent.

Responding to incidents of sexual misconduct can be challenging, whether you are the person harmed or someone trying to help. All of us play a vital role in creating a safer, more caring campus culture in which bias, harassment, and violence have no place—and every member of our community is free to flourish.

The Comprehensive Policy and Procedure on Sex Discrimination, Including Harassment has been developed to address all types of sex discrimination, including harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, and sexual exploitation.

The university takes all complaints and accusations of sexual misconduct seriously. We welcome your involvement in our mission to foster a campus environment that strives to prevent sexual misconduct and promotes the reporting of sexual misconduct, compassionate responses to survivors of sexual violence, and equitable treatment of all complainants and respondents.

About this Website Heading link

The UIC Sexual Misconduct website serves as a comprehensive resource for students, faculty, and staff. The site includes information about the Comprehensive Policy and Procedures on Sex Discrimination, Including Harassment, helpful resources, and the university’s prevention and training programs.

Please look through this site to access critical information you may need such as: how to report an incident of sex discrimination; how to get help; how to help someone who has been affected by sexual misconduct; campus and community resources; and information about rights and confidentiality.