Frequently Asked Questions
How to Take the Survey Heading link
How long does the survey take?
The survey takes about 15-20 minutes to complete on average, although the exact time will vary. You can choose to skip or not answer any of the questions, and you may stop your participation at any time.
Who will be able to participate in the survey?
Students who were enrolled at UIC during Summer 2024, Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 and are physically located within the United States at the time of the survey will be eligible to participate. All respondents must be at least 18 years old to complete the questionnaire. To adhere to international privacy laws, eligibility is limited to students who are physically located in the United States at time of survey completion.
What if I cannot log into the survey?
If you have forgotten your UIC password, you can visit this site to reset it. If you continue to have problems, you can request assistance at
Can I take the survey from my smartphone or other mobile device?
Yes. The survey is optimized for the smaller screens of smartphones and other mobile devices. To take the survey on your smartphone, click on the link in the email.
Why do I have to log in through a single sign on?
This allows the University to verify the survey taker is or was a student during the last year. The results of this survey will be used to guide campus prevention and response initiatives, we want the results to be an accurate representation of our campus, while maintaining data privacy. Even though you are logging in through single sign on, no personally identifying information is being inputted in the survey including your IP address.
If I am interrupted while taking the survey, will my answers be saved?
No, to maintain anonymity of the survey your responses are not saved on your device or connected to your name or IP address. You can take breaks when completing the survey, however if you close your browser and return, it will start at the beginning .
Survey Content Heading link
Who created the survey questions?
The survey questions were written by a State Task Force and provided to the University. Institutions are expected to give the survey to students exactly how it appears in the State Task Force report with the exception of a few modifiable questions. The university could add questions if we chose. We added the following questions 1. Academic College, 2. Current or former student, 3. Student Level (undergrad, graduate, professional).
Is the survey required and am I allowed to skip a question?
Participation is voluntary and you can skip any question that you do not want to answer.
What demographic questions are asked in the survey?
Questions about your age, gender identity, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, citizenship status, and if you have a disability are asked. Additional questions related to your university status such as year you first enrolled, participation in campus services/activities, and participation in an online program are also asked. You may skip any question you do not wish to answer.
What types of questions are being asked in the survey?
The survey will ask questions about perceptions of student wellness and campus safety, understanding of resources, consent, and your experiences with the following types of harm in the last 12 months: Sexual and Gender Harassment, Stalking, Dating and Domestic Violence, and Sexual Violence.
If I feel uncomfortable taking the survey, what do I do?
We want to understand the experiences of students related to sexual misconduct; however the survey is optional. If you believe the survey will cause you significant emotional distress, you do not have to take the survey. If you would like to talk to a confidential resource about your experience, please visit the About Confidentiality page to find resources.
Data Privacy and Use Heading link
Is the survey confidential or anonymous?
Per state law the survey responses are anonymous. The University will not know who has completed the survey based on the results. You will be asked to sign in via the university’s single sign on process (when you log in with your net id and password), however no identifiable information is retained in the Qualtrics survey responses.
I hold a unique identity or am a member of a small demographic group. Will I be identified?
To protect your privacy, no one at the University of Illinois Chicago will know who completes the survey. However, we are very sensitive to the possibility that aggregated reports of survey data could unintentionally identify university community members who belong to unique or small demographic groups. We are required to report aggregate data for each question to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. If you are concerned about re-identification based on a small demographic group you may skip the question.
Did the Institutional Review Board (IRB) approve this study?
The Steering Committee submitted our plans for this study to the IRB in October 2023 to determine if formal IRB approval was needed. Because the purpose of the survey is to inform institutional practice and improvement, the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) determined the study was Non-Human Subject Research (NHSR) and we were issued a determination letter.
Will my professors or university leaders be able to see my responses?
No, the survey data does not contain any personally identifiable information; thus, we will not know who completed the survey. Data will be reported in aggregate.
Who will have access to the responses?
The data will be collected and analyzed by UIC Student Affairs, assisted by the Office of Institutional Research and the Urbana project team, and information from all three University of Illinois campuses will be compiled for a report and dashboard. Data will be reported in aggregate only. Aggregate data will be sent the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) per state law.
Upon submission of the survey, you will be redirected to a Google form to enter your email for the incentive drawing. No information related to the survey will be transmitted to or included in the prize drawing form.
Can my responses be used in a sexual misconduct or Title IX investigation?
No. We will not know who completed the survey. In addition, the state law states, “No institution may use or attempt to use information collected through the sexual misconduct climate survey to identify or contact any individual student on campus, nor shall the results of the survey be used as the basis for any type of investigation or disciplinary or legal proceeding.” If you wish to report an instance of sexual or gender harassment, dating or domestic violence, sexual assault/violence, or stalking contact the Title IX Office, 312-996-8670,, or use the online reporting form. If you want to speak with someone confidentially about your reporting options you may speak to a confidential advisor, Chorlatte Mack, in the Office for Access and Equity at 312-996-8670 or confidential advocates at Campus Advocacy Network at 312-413-8206.
Where will the results be published?
An aggregate summary of the results will be submitted to the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) for publication. In addition, campus level results will be published on the university website.
Additional Questions Heading link
How often will this survey be administered?
In accordance with state law, the survey will be administered annually. UIC will administer the survey in the spring semester.
What is the purpose of the survey?
The purpose of the Sexual Misconduct Campus Climate Survey is to provide information about the behaviors and perceptions that current students have related to UIC. This survey is an important tool to understand and address sexual harassment and sexual misconduct on campus. Student participation in the survey will help us to be more aware of the issues we need to address and will help us craft the tools needed to address them.
When does the survey close?
The survey will be open to students February 18 and closes March 24. The survey closure date may be extended to increase response rates.
Who do I contact if I have questions about survey?
Please email the survey coordinator,