Title IX Coordinator

UIC’s Title IX Coordinator is responsible for and authorized to coordinate the University’s efforts to comply with and carry out its responsibilities under Title IX, which prohibits sex discrimination in education programs and activities for institutions that receive federal financial assistance, as well as retaliation for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege protected by Title IX.

The Title IX Coordinator also oversees the University’s response to all reports and complaints of sexual misconduct and Title IX Sexual Harassment to monitor outcomes, identify any patterns, and assess their effects on the campus climate.

The Title IX Coordinator evaluates requests for confidentiality by those who report or complain about sexual misconduct in the context of the University’s responsibility to provide a safe and welcoming campus environment for all students free from discrimination based on sex.

The Title IX Coordinator is also responsible for effective implementation of any supportive measures or remedies for sexual misconduct, including Title IX Sexual Harassment, and for overseeing the University’s recordkeeping obligations under Title IX.